Tuesday, May 24, 2005

The European Constipation II

To the dutch government.

Sirs and madams,

Political Holland is trying again to prove with all possible means that people who want to vote NO are no good :

- We don't mind war in Europe because it is destined to happen without the treaty and all because we said NO. BTW : This Is Not A Constitution Goddammit! This is a treaty!

- We are not informed or too sceptical so we shouldn't vote at all. Did a minister in the government actually SAY this??? You are not supposed to vote NO??? Throw that idiot out of politics NOW please, before he starts telling me what to think and what to have for breakfast.

- Oh my God, the euro-politicians cry, we are sooooo in need of this treaty. I wonder how Europe managed to survive without it the last 20 years or so.

I am pro-Europe. I am pro-constitution. But I am NOT in favour of this badly designed, quickly written, compromising RAG.

Here's an example : In the constitution it is very simple to state that "every citizen has freedom of speech". Period. That is one sentence. It is almost admirable to see how they managed to pollute the basic principles of democracy so they could turn this treaty in a document hundreds of pages long.

So NO, thank you very much. Because I want to see failsafe mechanisms that will prevent abuse of the constitution, and they are not there. As a matter of fact; I am not a politician and even I can think of numerous ways in which political Europe can go around this treaty. But of course we have to trust the wise people in Brussels and Strassbourg. Ri-i-ght, like they have done such a fantastic job so far. The fact is that Germany or France say "JUMP!" and the Netherlands will only ask "How high?". More so with this treaty than without it.

So be damned with your sell-out constitution. Do your homework properly before you ask me for my opinion. Perhaps you could actually check what the people of Europe want? Nah, that's useless isn't it?

And for Christ's sake; reduce it to the size of the average constitution will you? Typically between 30 and 50 pages. Then we will finally be able to read it properly and understand it. Or is that exactly what you do NOT want us to do?

Oh and by the way; make sure you include control over the European Government by its citizens. Because that is lacking to the extreme at the moment. And don't try to send us away with '1 million citizens will be allowed to humbly ask a question as long as we are polite and from 'a significant number of countries'" because we do not buy that crap.


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