Thursday, April 14, 2011

A work in progress...


The acid stench is revolting
and the factory is ablaze
There on the floor were every day
she closes pots of mayonnaise

When she quits around five fifteen
And leaves for home for the day
6.000 pots of mayonnaise
sit neatly in their trays

Out of breath and a bit smelly
She reeks of sweat and vinegar
In a hurry to the station
to catch the Intercity train

If that train is not delayed
she arrives six twenty eight
Because the offices close early
She had to stand up all the way
She eats her food without tasting
Tonight they're having leek
She gets the chips,
and automatically
adds mayonnaise...

That night she skips her dance class
Too tired she doesn't want to go
She browses through the lady's mag
there's nothing there she wants to know

Her husband has no news today
She goes to bed not too late
She is in bed around eleven
Tomorrow is an early day

The train, the time-clock , the canteen
The loo-break once an hour
And all the while
6.000 pots of mayonnaise
saved from going sour

She always closes the same number
She's good at the assembly line
Once a month a bit worse
because the loo breaks take more time

Sunday, April 10, 2011

09/04/2011 - Target

Uptown - downtown
No one's fussy I'm a target
Black, white - day, night
No one's fussy I'm a target

Some people say I'm crazy
Walking in this neighborhood
Say you can't be too careful
But that won't do no good

I'm no one special
But any part of town
Someone could smile at me then
Shake my hand then gun me down

Uptown - downtown
No one's fussy I'm a target
Black, white - day, night
No one's fussy I'm a target

Some people say I'm crazy
Living in this crazy town
I say maybe you're just lazy
Got to either swim or drown

I know what I'm doing
I'm happy day to day
But then something happens
Takes my nerve away

Uptown - downtown
No one's fussy I'm a target
Black, white - day, night
No one's fussy I'm a target

Friday, April 08, 2011

Friday's lighter side

Stuff with a lighter touch that I found on the web.


A brilliant extension to solve a problem...

Regarding the impending shutdown of the American government here is an article that I really enjoyed.

"If we are indeed fated to have a government shutdown, then it should not just be the 800,000 federal employees who bear the brunt. We should also have a Shutoff, under which all legislators in Congress, as well as the president himself, have their pay, pension contributions, health insurance, travel expenses, accommodation perks, and all their myriad other benefits suspended for the period of the shutdown.
If the rest of government is shut down, so should they be. If the president wants to use Air Force One during the Shutoff, he should be expected to pay for it himself, as he's not our responsibility as a government employee during a shutdown.
The speed with which this draconian but eminently logical and fair provision will concentrate all politicians' minds onto coming up with a deal would, I suspect, be astonishing."

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Sigma 3

Still,  very intriguing. I'm going to keep an eye on this story.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Water, water, Oh Lovely Pure Sparkling Water!

Decided to go take it easy for a while. No more 'extreme beering' in the cafe for now, no more super late nights, just a bit of relaxation and some guitar rehearsals at home.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Quote of the week

"In his indispensable book “America Alone,” Mark Steyn records how British Gen. Sir Charles Napier handled India’s tradition of “suttee” — the practice of burning widows to death in their husband’s funeral pyre. He told the locals:
“You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: When men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."

I must have broken a million G-strings...

I have not made music for quite some time. Focussed much more on the DJ-ing and on discovering music that I had missed over the years. Especially the journey into very old Blues was enlightening; from Blind Willie Johnson via Elmore James to the modern bluesmen, it's a very logical progression once you take the time to listen to all of it.
So now I want to actually finally definitely really pick up the acoustic guitar again. And I break a string in the first 5 minutes. I guess strings that are older than 5 years are no good anymore...

Oh well, it's a good excuse to go check out the new local guitar shop.