Thursday, March 30, 2006

Times 10

Another ten years or so and we can all go to Australia and be back in time for tea and crumpets. The tickets may be a bit expensive but well, you do get a nice ride.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Whitney Houston's Fall

I never really liked Whitney Houston and I couldn't care less about "OOOOOOOWWWWW I Want To DANCE With Somebodeee-ee-eeeeee". But here is one prime example of someone going under, someone cracking up(no pun intended) under the pressure of the business and under the influence of drugs. Smokinig crack in a cigar filled with marijuana. Really...

How the hell can someone who had everything fall so deep?

To paraphrase Liz Taylor : "Whitney and Bobby, sad, sad, sad"...

This is a test using Deepest Sender

Let's see if this works. I just installed Firefox-extension 'Deepest Sender'. This extension allows me to post to my blog straigh from a Mozilla-window.


Monday, March 06, 2006

IT Agony Bingo

An exceptionally brillant installment of my favourite online-comic.