Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Fuckheads, retards and bureaucrats

Around 09:20 this morning I was reminded by my phone that I had to be at the dentist... Fat lot of good that'll do, something wrong in the configuration, it should have warned me yesterday. As should my email here at work have done btw.
So I immediately called the dentist to check and lo and behold! I did have an appointment. So I said 'Sorry about that, and can we check the other appointments to make sure that they are ok?'. 'Of course sir, yes... they are all correct. We'll see you on the 26th'. Also, they said they had called me and emailed me. Ri-i-ght... both my email address and my phone number were registered incorrectly. That's one hell of an achievement considering I wrote the info down for them myself, and that they had already contacted me several times by phone...
Oh well... So ten minutes later I get a call from the same dentist office to inform me that they will have to charge me for the missed appointment. Ok, I can understand that, you have to pay a fine... Until they told me that the cost would be the complete cost of a normal treatment! That means including the shots, the gear, the whole fucking lot. So just because they can go and have a coffee instead of overcharging their patients I also have to pay for their unused materials!!!
I told the lady politely that I had been extremely flexible every time they called me up to ask if I could come the next morning because someone else cancelled an appointment, and that I find these cost completely over the top. I also stated that there was nothing to be done about it anyway so I did not see the use of getting into a discussion about it. The lady then said that I had missed appointments previously and that this was/is one of the reasons that they would charge me for the treatment. I informed the woman that that then would have been over 5 years ago(!!!) AND that I had cancelled those appointments perfectly ahead of time AND with perfectly valid reasons.
She had to look it up and what I said was completely true. She said she would discuss it all internally. I told her that would be nice, but that for the rest I am not counting on flexibility from anyone in this world any more. I was very polite but also very annoyed to be honest. On the one hand I can service them(while being the patient!) when they have holes in their schedule, but on the other hand they show no flexibility whatsoever.
Of course this means one thing for sure : the next time they call me and ask if I can be flexible and go to the dentist at a different date than the appointments that already have been set, they can forget it. Flexibility works both ways, I am not going to go to my boss to rearrange my schedule to please the dentist anymore. Let them charge someone else for their valuable time...

It seems to me that this kind of unreasonable shit is occurring more and more in life. A friend of mine just put an article up on his own blog pondering over what it means to get to be fifty years old. Well Alfred, from what I have seen(and I am not yet 50, I'll grant you that); one of the things it means is that you start to get more and more impatient with people trying to shit you.

Am I right? :)


alfred said...

I'm not sure if you're 'right', but I can assure you that I've fallen victim to the very same process of what I'd call de-empathizing. I'm not sure if that's because of my disproportionate momentary workload, or something naturally inherent to maturing.

I'll let you know in, say, four months if I relapsed to nicehood.

Towel master said...

Hehehe... Could be a nice philosophical discussion by that time...