Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Downfall Of A Would-Be Empire

America is definitely decaying fast. Yes; although both big parties have been fucking about since Reagan, thinking politics first and country(perhaps) second, the Republicans are to be blamed by far the most, with their idiotic hate-speeches, their tea-parties, their death-panel hoaxes and so on. Not to mention putting a complete political nobody, an empty head like Sarah Palin right smack into the middle of national politics. Also; one would think that after eight years of 'Compassionate Conservative' G.W. Bush in the White House, the Republicans would have learned some humility. Not so!

The Republicans have turned renaming and rebranding stuff they don't like into a high art form. 'Anti-abortion' became 'Pro-Life', trying to restrict the ownership of weapons of course became 'Constitutional Infringement', 'Creationism' became 'Intelligent Design', 'Government Healthcare Plan' became 'Socialism', 'Fascism' 'Communism' and 'Nazism' at the same time(quite an accomplishment!), etcetera etcetera.

Oh! And Barack Obama is a Kenyan-born muslim socialist as well as the Anti-Christ who has illegally usurped the presidency... Such idiocy makes european politics pale by comparison.

What I feared for some time now is coming true fast, which is that at some point-of-no-return, part of the american public will actually start to believe these republican fables and fantasies. And that is the moment that you will lose control Mr. and Mrs. Republican. That is the moment that you will become Pontius Pilate, washing your hands in innocence while your raging idiot-followers burn down the house and threaten children.

Coffin placed on Carnahan's lawn

A coffin was placed on a Missouri Democrat’s lawn, another in a string of incidents against lawmakers after their vote Sunday on a health care overhaul.
Rep. Russ Carnahan (D-Mo.) had a coffin placed “near his home,” a spokesman said Wednesday evening. This came after Rep. Tom Perriello’s (D-Va.) brother’s gas lines were cut, Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) received death threats and Rules Committee Chairwoman Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.) received a message saying snipers were being deployed to kill children of those who voted for health care overhaul.

Several other Democrats have had threats leveled against them, prompting a closed-door briefing of Democratic members by the FBI, Capitol Police and the House Sergeant at Arms.

"Carnahan appreciates thoughtful feedback received both in favor and opposition of health insurance reform,” Carnahan spokesman Jim Hubbard told POLITICO Wednesday evening “We can disagree on important issues facing our country without resorting to this kind of thing. Russ Carnahan isn’t going to shy away from the importance of reform when 45,000 fellow Americans died last year due to a lack of health insurance.”

When a population goes after its own children it is only a matter of time before the house comes crashing down. This may only be a threat, but just wait; once an idea has been floating around there will ultimately be some ungodly asshole to turn it into a reality.

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