Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Alaskan Politics - The Quagmire

People who know me also know that I am very interested in the circus that is American Politics. In this respect, last year was obviously a year in Heaven. Now that the US Elections have come and gone, most people are focusing on the economical crisis, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and of course the new Health Insurance System that Obama wants to set up. It seems to me that - especially outside the US - interest for the major players is limited to Obama, Hillary Clinton and one or two former members of the Bush Administration. And all the while there is the enigma that is called Sarah Palin...

Sarah Palin is dividing the US as few others have done before her. It is not so much 'The Woman Palin' who is the cause of this; it is more a matter of Rightwing Christian America having found a poster-girl for bringing religion into politics. Even America's founding fathers knew that this is a recipe for disaster but apparently those wise insights are now lost on a large part of the american population.

I vividly remember the TV Evangelists of the 80ies with their unspeakably absurd 'church services'(remember Genesis spoofing them in 'Jesus He Knows Me'? "And The Lord Said Get Me Eighteen Millon Dollars By The Weekend!!!"). These people, the Jim Bakers, the Pat Robertsons, the Jimmy Falwells etcetera, used to be limited by laws that forbade the mixing of politics and religion. Any religious entity that was found to be mixing the church with politics would by law be prosecuted and their tax-exempt status would be revoked. Clearly this made the religious far right cautious when engaging in politics nevertheless.

What is happening now is - in my opinion - far worse : after 25 years of influencing politicians behind closed doors, the Religious Right is now working in the open more and more, and hardly anyone is screaming murder; Keith Olberman perhaps is, but he suffers from the stigma of being seen as a far left tv commentator and is therefore put in 'The Liberal Corner' with all the consequences that this has. He basically 'criticized' himself out of a general audience in order to win a pretty much left wing fanbase. The only name on tv that comes to mind is Jon Stewart. At the moment he is seen by the audience as the most trusted news achor on tv in the US. But wait a minute! Jon Stewart is a comedian! So the person most people trust to give them proper information is a tv comedian?

Anyway; just like I followed the idiocy around Michael Jackson for some time some years ago, I am now keeping an eye on the backwaters of American Politics. Not so much the new Obama-plan or an attempted republican filibuster, but more about the people behind the current stage, waiting - no dying - for their moment in the spotlights. And one of those people is most definitely Sarah Palin. I found below article in Vanity Fair, a magazine I am starting to appreciate more and more lately. What were they thinking in the McCain Campaign? Well, they probably weren't...

It Came From Wasilla

May Heaven and Earth help us if she ever gets to the real top of american politics. We'll need all the help we can get.


alfred said...

Sarah Palin is eloquent and sports awesome looks. That's all you need in politics, not just in the States...

Towel master said...

Eloquent? As in the definition :

"expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively; "able to dazzle with his facile tongue"; "silver speech" ???

Perhaps you mean 'elegant'?

Because eloquent is exactly what this woman is NOT. This 'lady' can't even tell anyone what papers she reads. This lady made the McCain campaign organizers CrinGe with her stupid and ill-informed remarks. They were doing damage control continuously.

As far as I have read articles and other information about her, she is obnoxiously ignorant and woefully inadequate in her oratorial skills.

And as for the good looks : Ok; compared to Official Walking Republican Skeleton Ann Coulter she is quite pretty, I give you that. But I found that the more I saw/see that face, the more cynical it looks to me.

Personally I think that Sarah Palin is the last convulsion of the old extremely negative Republican Party', that is : the party as it mutated after Ronald Reagan's tenure. The party that only emphasizes the negative values of others but fails to present their our values and alternatives clearly.

According to Republican Sources(fwiw) Sarah Palin is the main reason that Obama won in a landslide. Too many people - even Palin-fans - said that they thought she was just too uninformed, tactless and rabid to vote for.

alfred said...

No, I meant eloquent although you do make a valid point here, and I feel in retrospect 'articulate' would have been more accurate. I still stand unabatedly by what I said about her looks though. She's a stunner, no matter how abyssmal her principles, if any, may be.

I'm prepared to take the latter argument into stating that if it weren't for her appearance, the world beyond Hicksville-what's-the-name-of-the-place, Alaska would never have heard from her untill now.

By your logic, that could very well have yielded us McCain in the White House. God bless her ;)

Anonymous said...

I find her looks are deteriorating to be honest...


Anonymous said...

Hey Alfred :

Hehehe... somewhat over the top perhaps but still.

"Palin's bookers are said to be asking for $100,000 per speech, but an industry expert tells Page Six: "The big lecture buyers in the US are paralyzed with fear about booking her, basically because they think she is a blithering idiot."
