"A million old soldiers will fade away but a dream goes on forever"
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I seem to have an online stalker nowadays. Weird, in some respect it is an honour. If only he wasn't such a grade-A asshole. Oh well, it'll pass eventually. Perhaps someday he'll get a real life instead.
Von Klinkerhoffen?
No longer on Obzekr, goes back to HK-forum and posts there about threads on Obzekr.
At least here I can delete anything I want... :)
Aren't the both of you a little too old for this by now?
Sorry man, but jesus, cut it loose...
You are completely right! That is indeed why I am structurally ignoring the man's postings now.
It would be very convenient if the other party would also be able to leave me alone. :)
And that my good man, is about all I want to say about this Flame-stuff, for I am trying to 'wise up'.
I have better things to do with my time indeed. (Oh God! A Phil Collins quote!)
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