O.K. I've sort of had it. Time and time again we are confronted by senseless violence leading to death. And there we go again ; what colour was the skin of the guy who did it? Where did he come from? Etcetera etcetera. It gives room to all kind of unhealty discussions that invariably come down to accusations of racism, discrimination, etcetera. Why? Because apparently no one wants to take the trouble to keep track of these cases.
I'll keep this article updated with the facts as they become known in due course. As far as possible I will write down what happened, who was the victim, who did it(if names are available), where he/she came from, and all other info I can get my hands on.
And I hope that in a couple of months time I can detect a pattern of some sort. If there IS a pattern that is, because I don't know if I want to see a pattern.
We already have one Volkert van der Graaf who shot Pim Fortuyn for reasons beyond understanding. White male.
We already have a Mohammed Bouyeri who slaughtered Theo van Gogh because "he didn't like the movie". Immigrant-roots and moslim-fanatic.
We already have one Murat D. who set fire to his girlfriend. Not once, no... twice was much more fun apparently. Immigrant-roots, juvenile.
And the list of past incidents goes on and on.
Raun Lensink
Now we have Raun Lensink, 20 years old, who got hit on or against the head, apparently for no special reason. Although it didn't look too bad, his father drove him to the hospital where the doctors saw that he had a massive crack in his skull causing all kinds of complications. And though one of the best surgeons in the country tried to help he could do nothing. Raun Lensink died on monday january 31st 2005 as a result of his injuries. The idiot who did it? His name is Richard M. In Holland that is, because we do not name last names. I'm not so saintlike. Because he was as good as caught red-handed, here his name is Richard Moens. No info on background but the name sounds very much native white dutch. And for those of you who want to see the grief it causes to the loved ones you can find the friends and family here.
Lest we forget, lest we forget.
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