The Nord-Lead II is really an awesome synthesizer. It is a Virtual Analog synth, which basically means that they try to digitally emulate all the knobs en sliders on an old analog synthesizer. The problem is that analog controls have an infinite sensitivity, whereas anything digital always has 'steps' with which to increase/decrease a parametervalue.
The Nord-Lead is one of the first VA(virtual analog) synths to really work well. It sounds pretty vintage, Clavia have built in a ringmodulator, PulseWidthModulation, an Arpeggiator and all those luverly old analog circuits that I loved so well are simulated.
Programming the NL-II is no mean feat. Creating sounds is not hard, but you can actually combine 4 of those sounds to create a "layered sound". This is Megacool as it stacks sound upon sound. If you have never heard 4 synthesizers with PulseWidthModulation in sync try it out!
One of the most fantastic features of this synth is the way it stores sounds. Normally you create sounds and then use these sounds in a combination(split-keyboard, layering, that sort of stuff). If you change a single sound you also change the combinations in which this sound is used. Not so with the Nord! The moment you save a combination of sounds you also save a copy of the sounds that make up the combination. In effect freeing up your soundbanks for new sounds. If you ever want one of the sounds back into the memory so you can tweak it and use it for other songs, this is no problem. It makes the Nord one of most userfriendly synths I have seen so far.
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