Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Just who you want flying the plane.

Michael Moore has a 'nice; story. I don't know, perhaps I should avoid flying US airlines? On the other hand : perhaps the same goes for all the other ones...

The plane landed and I stepped into the cockpit. "Read this," the first officer said. He handed me a letter from the airline to him. It was headlined "LETTER OF CONCERN." It seems this poor fellow had taken three sick days in the past year. The letter was a warning not to take another one -- or else.
"Great," I said. "Just what I want -- you coming to work sick, flying me up in the air and asking to borrow the barf bag from my seatback pocket."
He then showed me his pay stub. He took home $405 this week. My life was completely and totally in his hands for the past hour and he's paid less than the kid who delivers my pizza.


Tuesday, October 06, 2009

The Rise and Fall of Thinking Machines

I don't usually just dump a link on my weblog but I make an exception for this old story.

ICT in the 90ies. I've seen the obsolete and completely superfluous jogging machines in the cafetaria. Because hey 'if you have money you should spend it'...

Been there, seen it, did not want the t-shirt. Glad those days are over.