Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Gimme those BASS-linezzzzzzz Bob! Gimme that PHAT SOUND!

Sad news, Robert Moog is no more. He has kicked the bucket, gone to meet his maker. For those of you who have never heard of him; he was the inventor of the portable synthesizer, and his name is pronounced as 'Mogue'. not Moog..

Anyone who has ever heard a real MiniMoog will know why this man's instruments were unique. The story is that Bob Moog developed synthesizers(in modules) for Walter Carlos and Tomita when they were doing their groundbreaking work in the late sixties. From this came his 'assembled' synthesizers, the MiniMoog and the PolyMoog being the most important and famous. When Moog finally had something he could sell he wanted to patent his stuff. Unfortunately everything he had invented cost about 10.000 dollars to patent so he only had money for one thing, one component. He(wisely) chose his 24dB filter. In no time all the other hardware, all the other features were stolen/copied by the competition, but not his filter. And that is what makes/made his synthesizers so incredibly PhAt. There still is no better filter than the analog 24dB-filter you could find in his synths.

Thanks Bob. And I'm sorry everybody pronounced your last name wrong.

So long and thanks for all the sounds.

Christopher Walken for Prez?

I would really like to see him run, just for the fucking fun of it. But then there is this. What a shame...

Still, nice touch.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Power in the Darkness

Especially dedicated to all those right-wing wankers who only see the splinter in their neighbour's eye but do not consider the beam in their own.
This week on offer : Michiel Smit., Or Schmidt, I'm not sure anymore.

Or to quote Joe Jackson :

"Kill all the reds, kill all the blacks"
"And if there's war between the sexes
then there'll be nobody left"...

Power In The Darkness

Tom Robinson

Power in the darkness
Frightening lies from the other side
Power in the darkness
Stand up and fight for your rights

Freedom... we're talking bout your freedom
Freedom to choose what you do with your body
Freedom to believe what you like
Freedom for brothers to love one another
Freedom for black and white
Freedom from harassment, intimidation
Freedom for the mother and wife
Freedom from Big Brother's interrogation
Freedom to live your own life... I'm talking 'bout

Power in the darkness
Frightening lies from the other side
Power in the darkness
Stand up and fight for your rights

(Voice from The Other Side:) "Today, institutions fundamental to the British system of Government are under attack: the public schools, the house of Lords, the Church of England, the holy institution of Marriage, even our magnificent police force are no longer safe from those who would undermine our society, and it's about time we said 'enough is enough' and saw a return to the traditional British values of discipline, obedience, morality and freedom.
What we want is:

Freedom from the reds and the blacks and the criminals
Prostitutes, pansies and punks
Football hooligans, juvenile delinquents
Lesbians and left wing scum
Freedom from the niggers and the Pakis and the unions
Freedom from the Gipsies and the Jews
Freedom from leftwing layabouts and liberals
Freedom from the likes of you..."

Power in the darkness
Frightening lies from the other side
Power in the darkness
Stand up and fight for your rights

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Sad day. A friend of mine passed away on sunday and was cremated today. There's never much to say, except maybe just 'Goodbye Cora, it was real fun knowing you'.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Digital Fortress

Just finished reading 'Digital Fortress' by Dan Brown, you know, that guy who wrote 'The Da Vinci Code' a few years later. If you want to know a bit more here is a link.

Now, I don't want to be a bore, but the whole 'plot' is about breaking the password of a worm so it does not open up every security-protocol the NSA uses. If it does the whole world will be able to read everything in the NSA's database.

It is written like a filmscript with our heroes frantically trying to figure out what the password is. Just one simple question : every computer that is connected to the outside world is connected through a communication-interface. This may be a WIFI-setup, an Ethernet-backbone, you name it.

What is to stop these people from just literally pulling the connectors out of the communicationshardware...? O.K. So you won't have a climax anymore but at least it's consistent with the real world.

Tie a yellow ribbon round the....

Do you hate those stupid 'support-ribbons'? Go here and get something different...

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Space, the final frontier...

It is as I thought: after SpaceShip One there were bound to be more entrepreneurs who think going into space is a pretty neat idea...

Monday, August 01, 2005


A nice site by and about cropcircles and their creators.