Monday, July 26, 2010

WikiLeaks and the multi faceted truth

I suppose most people have heard of WikiLeaks and all the muck they dredge up. This time they have started their own sub-website called
I don't know what to think of it. On the one hand it's good that this kind of information becomes public. On the other hand I would really like to know why the people behind WikiLeaks do not also publish the same information about other non-American conflicts(and believe me; as far as their war-record is concerned I am not exactly a fan of the United States).
If you're tired of being called 'lop-sided', 'prejudiced' and 'partial', why don't you all start documenting the wars, conflicts and massacres in Africa? I'm sure there's enough material there for another complete website.


Erik said...

Well, my dear Towelmaster, the answer to that is quite easy.

They depend on anonymous information sent to them and every information that comes through their viability tests gets published. They have all kinds of different leaks, throughout the entire world.

Either the other wars don't have people who have access to good documentation and want to leak it or there just is any viable intel.

Towel master said...

You're forgetting an alternative reason : a dislike for the US that influences and colours what they publish online.

alfred said...

I know I'm kind of dense, so correct me if I'm wrong, but are you implying that they shouldn't publish whatever they can get their hands on cos it doesn't even out with whatever gets covered up elsewhere in the world?

Towel master said...

Dense? Mwahaa!

What I was trying to say was that I see an enormous discrepancy between what is being published at WikiLeaks about the USA on the one hand and the rest of the globe on the other.

WikiLeaks does seem to have an inclination to go where the most publicity can be garnered.