Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Power of Old Metal - Observation One

Yes, of course, modern metal is usually technically superior, modern metal is made up of exquisite patterns and melodies and blahdieblahdieblah...

But once upon a time there was R.U.S.H. A Canadian band with balls AND feeling. Just listen to Cygnus X-1 part I and part II and be amazed. So long ago yet so brilliant...

"In the constellation of cygnus
There lurks a mysterious, invisible force
The black hole
Of cygnus x-1

Six stars of the northern cross
In mourning for their sisters loss
In a final flash of glory
Nevermore to grace the night...."


alfred said...

Why The Old Should Marvel At The New - Counter Observation One

(Post)modern metal is, in every conceivable way - musically, artistically, technically, dynamically, arrangementally, godknowswhatelsely - vastly superior to hard-/prog-/sympho-rock/metal/whatever made in de 70s and 80s. Simple as that, and anyone with even the slightest musical inkling will acknowledge this without arguing. That doesn't render the old devoid of any merit, it's just a process called development, a shivaic process inherent in, well, life. Modern PC's are more powerful than old ones, adults play better table-tennis than babies, and so on. Such is life, getting sucher as we march on.

BTW, isn't there something to say for [sic] doing this in Netherlandic?

Anonymous said...

Hello Alfred,

Well... I agree with you for let's say 90 % on this. There are quite some notable exceptions. But I guess that also has to do with one's personal musical taste. Whatever music fits in the crevices of one's brain works best.

I wholeheartedly agree with you on the 'development'-angle, though many people will say that this is just talk of an elderly guy... ;)

But yes; in the meantime we get sucher and sucher. :)


BTW : in Nederlandic? As in this blog in dutch? Because I also have - a very neglected - dutch blog somewhere.

alfred said...

Hi Rob, thanks for indulging me :)

Of course it all boils down to personal taste. However, and there's always a however after every of course, music is a spirit. It needs savoring for full appreciation. This goes as much for classics as for moden metal. You know this as well as I do, if not better.

Yes, as in Dutch. I've never quite understood why people would want to express themselves in any language other than their own. A little blatant self-promotion here, if I may: www.vanderzwam.com. If you're so inlined at all ;)

Anonymous said...

Dutch vs. English : I have quite a lot of English Friends so there... ;)

As for the rest : I Could Not Agree More.